Contoh Latihan Soal Compound Adjectives dan Jawabannya

Setelah mempelajari materi tentang compound adjectives. untuk mengetes pemahaman tentang materi ini, maka saya akan memberikan latihan soal.

Baca soal di bawah dan kerjakan di buku atau kertas.

latihan soal compound adjectives dan jawabannya

Soal 1.

Match words from the a with words from the b to form 12 compound adjectives.

a. good, easy, ten, brand, part, first, well, north, short, badly, left, second.

b. new, written, looking, hand, going, time, known, class, sleeved, handed, east, pound.

soal 2. 

Complete the compound adjectives in below sentences.

1. I was wearing short-... shirts.

2. Lestari stayed in a five-... hotel.

3. I want to visit the shop which sells some items for left-... people.

4. She has just bought a brand-... car.

5. I have just got a ...-time job; I works five hours a day on Tuesday and Thursday.

6. I have met a well-... politician.

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